Manuscript Requirements

To ensure the highest standards of academic publishing, the Dibon Journal of Languages has established comprehensive manuscript preparation guidelines. These requirements are designed to maintain consistency across publications and facilitate efficient peer review. Authors are required to adhere to these specifications precisely. Non-compliant submissions may require revision prior to entering the review process. Please follow these guidelines carefully when preparing your manuscript.

Manuscript Structure

1- Title Page: Title, authors, affiliations, corresponding author details

2- Abstract: 150-200 words, structured format (Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions)

3- Keywords: 4-6 relevant terms

4- Main Text: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion

5- References: APA 7th Edition format

6- Appendices (if applicable)

Authors' names should not be mentioned in the manuscript. They should instead be added through the OJS system.


Formatting Requirements

7- File Format: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)

8- Length: 5000-8000 words (excluding references)

9- Font: Times New Roman, 12-point

10- Spacing: Single-spaced

11- Headings: Use APA style levels

12- Tables/Figures: Embedded in text, numbered consecutively

13- Language: British English


Citations and References

14- In-text citations: (Author, Year)

15- Reference list: Alphabetical order

16- DOI numbers: where available

17- Reference Style: APA 7th Edition style guide


Tables and Figures

18- Clear, high-resolution images

19- Numbered consecutively

20- Descriptive titles

21- Source attribution where required

22- Editable format preferred

Supplementary Materials

23- Clearly labeled

24- Referenced in main text

25- Include descriptive titles