Associate Editor Position
Dibon Journal of Education (DJE) is seeking a dedicated Associate Editor with strong research credentials to contribute to our publication's growth and academic excellence.
Dr. Islam Ismail, PhD in English Language Education, Chief Executive Officer at Dibon Publishing House, United Kingdom.
Editorial Board Members
Dr. Kim Nettleton, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Morehead State University, USA
Dr. Tahani Bsharat, Assistant Professor, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia.
Dr. Remi Okeke, Head the Department of Public Administration, Madonna University, Nigeria.
Dibon Journal of Education (DJE) is seeking a dedicated Associate Editor with strong research credentials to contribute to our publication's growth and academic excellence.
Dibon Journal of Education, a British peer-reviewed publication with quarterly issues, invites scholarly manuscripts that advance theoretical foundations and empirical research in education, with particular emphasis on artificial intelligence applications, technological innovation, and interdisciplinary methodologies in education. All submissions undergo comprehensive peer review to maintain the highest standards of academic excellence.
Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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