Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Dibon Journal of Education (DJE) adheres to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and maintains strict ethical principles to ensure the highest standards of academic publishing.

Research Integrity
- All research must be conducted ethically and responsibly
- Research involving human subjects must have appropriate ethical approval and consent
- Data must be presented accurately and honestly
- Methodology must be clearly described to allow replication
- Results must be reported transparently

Authorship Criteria
- All authors must have made substantial contributions to:
- Research design and/or data collection
- Data analysis and interpretation
- Manuscript writing or critical revision
- The order of authorship should reflect contribution levels
- Changes to authorship after submission require written consent from all authors
- Ghost authorship and gift authorship are not permitted

Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct
- Zero tolerance for plagiarism and self-plagiarism
- All submissions undergo plagiarism detection using Turnitin
- Fabrication or falsification of data is strictly prohibited
- Multiple submissions of the same work are not accepted
- Consequences of misconduct include:
- Immediate rejection of manuscript
- Retraction of published articles
- Ban from future submissions for 5 years
- Notification to authors' institutions if necessary

Peer Review Process
- Double-blind peer review system
- Reviewers must declare conflicts of interest
- Confidentiality of the review process is maintained
- Fair and unbiased evaluation of all submissions. In cases where reviewers' decisions conflict (one accept, one reject), the editor may either make a final decision or seek a third review before making the final determination.
- Typical review completion time 03 weeks

Conflicts of Interest
- All conflicts of interest must be declared
- Financial and non-financial interests must be disclosed
- Editors and reviewers must recuse themselves when conflicts exist
- Funding sources must be clearly acknowledged

Publication Ethics
- Transparency in research methodology
- Accuracy in data presentation
- Prompt correction of errors
- Fair attribution of work
- Clear procedures for handling:
- Corrections
- Retractions
- Appeals

Editorial Independence
- Editorial decisions based solely on academic merit
- No influence from publisher on editorial decisions
- Clear separation of editorial and commercial processes

Violation of these principles may result in manuscript rejection, retraction of published articles, or prohibition from future submissions. For detailed procedures on handling ethical issues, please contact the editorial office at